Health and PE
All students in grades 9 and 10 are required to participate in health and physical education (HPE) unless excused by the principal. A signed statement from a physician must be filed in the principal’s office stating the reason why a student is unable to participate in physical education and how long the student will be exempt.
Dressing-out and active participation are essential for physical development and success in the PE program. If a student is unable to participate in PE because of illness or injury, a note from his/her parent/guardian is required to excuse the student, and will be accepted for up to three (3) days per 9 weeks. A note from a physician is required if more than three days will be missed.
All PE students will be required to dress in appropriate PE attire. Students who fail to dress appropriately for PE may still be required to participate in physical activity that can be done in the clothing they are wearing and/or to complete alternative written assignments. Failure to dress appropriately for PE class repeatedly will result in a lowering of the grade and disciplinary action. Students are not required to purchase or wear a specific school PE uniform. Instead, students will be required to wear some type of athletic shorts or sweatpants, a t-shirt, athletic socks, and athletic shoes while participating in PE activities. Shorts must not be cut-offs and they must not have any buttons, zippers, etc. All clothing worn during PE activities must be in compliance with the current school dress code. Specific guidelines regarding other restrictions and expectations in HPE will be distributed to students in writing by their HPE teachers during the first week of school.
PE clothing must be different from those clothes worn to school. PE clothing and shoes are to be kept in a locked gym locker while at school (provided to each student at no cost) and should be taken home to be laundered regularly.
Portable “pop-up” changing rooms are available in the girls’ and boys’ locker rooms for use by anyone who would like more privacy while changing.
Health Education is part of the PE curriculum and will be taught by the HPE staff. PE classes alternate when they meet in classrooms for health instruction. Family Life is taught as part of the Health curriculum. Parents who wish to review the FLE curriculum materials may arrange to view these materials at their child's school with the principal or at the School Board Office with the administrator responsible for the Family Life curriculum. In compliance with the Board of Education’s guidelines for Family Life Education, this curriculum is offered as an “opt-out” program. Parents/Guardians may choose to opt their child out of any or all of FLE lessons at any grade level. All students will be included in the program unless their parent/guardian has requested they opt-out using the form linked below. Students who opt-out of the program are to be given an alternate health-related topic that is meaningful to the child and relevant to the overall health curriculum.
A course in driver education (classroom) is included in the 10th grade PE curriculum. This course satisfies the DMV requirements for classroom instruction in driver education. In addition to meeting the goals and objectives of this course, students must also meet the number classroom instruction hours required by the DMV. Make-up instructional hours may be provided by any certified driver education teacher with the prior consent of the student’s regular driver education teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for any necessary make-up work and to provide documentation of the hours completed.
Classroom driver education may also be offered in summer school at a cost to students. MCPS does not offer Behind-the-Wheel instruction. Students who wish to take Behind-the-Wheel instruction must make arrangements with an independent driving school at an additional cost to students.
Applications for an instruction permit require certain documentation from the school. If applying for a driver’s license, the applicant must furnish proof of current school enrollment with good academic standing or proof of completion of high school or other education program. Since the form requires the signature of the principal and/or the driver education teacher, requests for this form must be made at least one day in advance.